Since 2015, International Conferences ENDINAMOSIS has been gathering report and information regarding various community service activities that have been carried out not only in Indonesia, but also in various other countries. Participants like ENDINAMOSIS come from various countries such as Malaysia, Thailand, Australia, China, Japan, Poland, Turkey, and many others. The themes that have been raised in the conference such as; Science and Technology Application, Social-economy, cultural preservation, and institutional development (2015), Applied Science and Engineering for Rural Development (2017), Empowering Rural Areas in the Industry 4.0 Era (2019), and Enhancing Rural Economic Activities through Applied Technology and Digital Transformation (2022). ENDINAMOSIS 2023 conference aims to sharing informations regarding innovations in the world of agriculture to support increasing land productivity and improving the community’s economy.
The theme for ENDINAMOSIS 2023 is:
“Agricultural Waste Management through Product Innovation to Improve Land Quality and Community Economy“
This conference will be held on:
Date : October 11th-12th, 2023
Time : 08.30 AM – end (GMT+7)
Venue: ITB Ganesha Campus, Bandung and Zoom Meeting (hybrid)
The Keynote Speakers are:
The Invited Speakers are from:
- Pertamina Foundation
- Krandegan Village, Purworejo, Central Java
- Guranteng Village, Tasikmalaya, West Java
- Dr. Sakree Manyunuh*
Rural Socio Economy Cultural and Applied Technology
- Energy and Applied Technology
- Village-City and Regional Planning
- Agriculture
- Fishery
- Forestry
- Social Economy Cultural Aspects
- and other areas related to rural community empowerment
Submission and Fee
Extended Abstract Submission Deadline: September 25th, 2023
Extended Acceptance Abstract Information: August 30th, 2023
Extended Full Paper Submission Deadline: September 02nd, 2023
Conference Date: October 11th – 12th, 2023
Student Presenter (with submission) | Rp350.000 | USD 100 |
Professional Presenter (with submission) | Rp700.000 | USD 200 |
Student Participant/Listener | Rp150.000 | USD 50 |
Professional Participant/Listener | Rp250.000 | USD 100 |
- Kit Seminar
- Certificate
- Lunch and Snack
Payment Procedure:
Name of Bank: BANK BNI (Bank Negara Indonesia)
Account Name: Dinar Bayuningtias
Account Number: 077-910-9820
Swift Code: BNINIDJA
Registration and Payment Proof: https://bit.ly/registration-endinamosis2023
Formatting Guidelines
All Paper Submitted should be written in English
- Prospective author has to follow format of the manuscript as written in the document attached below this page
- Please save your full paper in (.doc) or (.docx) format to be reviewed by the reviewers
- Send the manuscript to this registration link:
Submit your abstract and paper here
Download Abstract and Full Paper Template
ENDINAMOSIS 2023 paper will be published in Rural Empowerment and Applied Technology (P2D-ITB) Journal or SINERGI JOURNAL
Scientific Committee
- Prof. Dr. Delik Hudalah, S.T., M.T., M.Sc (Institut Teknologi Bandung)
- Prof. Yassierli., S.T., M.T., Ph.D (Institut Teknologi Bandung)
- Prof. Ir. Ts. Dr. Mohamed Thariq Bin Haji Hameed Sulltan (Universiti Putra Malaysia)
- Dr. Inz. Julia Goscianska-Lowinska (Poznanski Instytut Technologiczny)
- Prof. Dr. Sukree Langputeh (Pathoni Univerisity Thailand)
Steering Committee
- Dr. Yuli Setyo Indartono (Head of Research Institution and Community Service of ITB)
- Dr. Tri Desmana Rachmilda, S.T., M.T. (Head of Rural Empowerment Center of ITB)
- Prof. Dr. Elfahmi, S.Si., M.Si (Institut Teknologi Bandung)
- Prof. Brian Yuliarto, S.T., M.Eng., Ph.D (Institut Teknologi Bandung)
Organizing Committee
Chairman: Dr. Taufikurahman
Secretary: Dr. Very Susanto
Treasure: Dr. Allis Nurdini
Dinar Bayuningtias, S.M.
Programs: Dr. Endra Susila
Dr. Hasballah Zakaria
Publication (Journal and Proceeding):
Dr. Husna Nugrahapraja
Dr. Dewi Larasati
Dr. Isty Aditya Purwasena
Dr. Alfi Rumidatul
Administration and IT:
RR. Deby A. Rizkyani, M.Si.
Rizka Purnamawati, M.Si.
Iffah Dieni Haniefa, S.Si.
House Sangkuriang Bandung (400 m) Jl. Sangkuriang No.1, Dago, 40135 (022) 87832323 Start from: Rp450.000 | NEO Dipatiukur Bandung (1.1 km) Jl. Dipati Ukur No.72 – 74 (022) 82526166 Start from: Rp520.000 | Daun Residence (500 m) Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No.126 0811-8613-333 Start from: Rp350.000 |
Kalya Hotel Bandung (550 m) Jl. Sumur Bandung No.7 (022) 2518998 Start from: Rp375.000 | Patra Bandung Hotel (400 m) Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No.132 (022) 2502664 Start from: Rp620.000 | Namin Hotel (1.2 km) Jl. Hasanudin No.10 (022) 82526111 Start from: Rp430.000 |
Geulis Boutique Hotel and Cafe (700 m) Jl. Ir. H. Juanda No.129 (022) 2507777 Start from: Rp715.000 | De Sofia Hotel (1.1 km) Jl. Tengku Angkasa No.27 (022) 82526183 Start from: Rp310.000 | Beehive Cafe & Boutique Hotel (110 m) Jl. Dayang Sumbi No.1 (022) 2505801 Start from: Rp580.000 |
Find Us
email: p2d@office.itb.ac.id
WhatsApp: +62 851 7448 2494 (Endinamosis Admin)
WhatsApp: +62 812 2423 6466 (Deby A. Rizkyani)